
Joshua Casey

Online Activist, Gamer, Streamer

I have a job (sort of)

I have some exciting news to share. Unfortunately, because of procrastination, this news is two months old. I have a job. Sort of. I’ll explain that part later. As an autistic person, I have always enjoyed using social media (specifically twitter) as a way to advocate for causes that I am passionate about, due to social media making it easier to be social. Three years ago, in 2019, I added the prevention of child sexual abuse to the long list of causes that I champion and advocate for.

My Dream Job

I’ve spent way too much time trying to think about what my dream job would be. When you’re autistic like I am it’s a daily struggle to live in a world that is not built for people like you and a world that is constantly fighting against you. Personally, I know that because of some of the difficulties that I have from being autistic, I could never have a “traditional” job.

Why did I start blogging

Over the years of my life I have tried many times to start blogging and do it on a frequent basis. All previous attempts have never really been a success. There are a couple of reasons why I decided to start writing blog posts on this website. The first reason is that I host this website myself (for free). I don’t have to rely on Wordpress or Tumblr or any other blogging platform.

State of the Apps 2018

It’s the end of the year. I would like to take some time to review some of the apps that I have installed on my phone that I consider worth recommending. I will maybe separate this into separate categories: productivity, messaging, social, financial, and possibly “honorary mentions”. Productivity Todoist This is probably my favorite to-do list app. And they recently added a dark mode which I greatly appreciate as a necessary accessibility feature.